7-day Virtual Spiritual Retreat to Step into Your True Limitless Power
Welcome, beautiful soul!
I'm very excited for you! You're about to start an amazing journey of healing, awakening and transformation. And I can't wait to see where it will bring you!
Below you will find your daily ceremonies. If you're doing this retreat for the first time, I recommend you do them in order. And later on, you can always come back and repeat some of the ceremonies if you feel like doing so!
Dive in and enjoy!
Day 1 - Nordic Chanting
Day 2 - Somatic Breathwork
Day 3 - Quantum Healing
Day 4 - Ecstatic Dancing
Day 5 - Sacred Gifts Awakening
Day 6 - Meeting Your Higher Self and Your Spirit Guide
Day 7 - Embodiment and Integration
@ 2021 Authentick You. All rights reserved.