Your spiritual awakening journey is sacred.
You've been on it since the moment you were born. And now it's time for you to consciously step into it, stage by stage. Are you ready?
Here are my upcoming live events!

Starseed Activation Week
to be confirmed
A powerful week-long event for startseeds who want to step into their power and learn how to thrive on Earth while helping humanity.
It will consist of 3 powerful sessions + Q&A and it's for you if you want to expand your consciousness, elevate your vibration and begin fulfilling your sacred mission of serving humanity all the while playing, having fun and thriving in the process.
If you're done struggling with everything in this world and you're ready to THRIVE, this is for you!
Here are my recorded workshops & programs you can join right away according to the stage you're in!

Awaken & Rise
2-month online program (pre-recorded)
To help you awaken to your starseed origin and embrace your sacred mission on Earth.
It's for you if:
- you're ready to step into the truth of who you are
- you want to remember your origins and your gifts
- you want to heal deeply and awaken new levels of light inside you
- you're dying to make an impact in the world
- you're ready to remember and step into your sacred mission
- you want to open your 3rd eye and activate your psychic vision
- you want to experience oneness and an incredible openness to the Universe and everyone around you
- you want to blossom into the most authentic and powerful version of you.

Sacred Gifts Awakening
2-hour healing guided journey (pre-recorded)
To help you uncover and integrate your beautiful gifts.
Here's what you can expect.
- you'll reach an altered state of mind in which your consciousness is expanded
- you'll explore which parts of you, you've been hiding and rejecting so far.
- you'll let them speak to you so that you can fully accept them and welcome them back.
- you'll discover which gifts they are carrying for you.
- you'll integrate them on a soul level so that you can finally own and use them fully.
- you'll come out of this powerful experience as a completely different, whole and luminous being.

Dark Night Of The Soul
2.5-hour workshop (pre-recorded)
To help you navigate your Dark Night of the Soul with more ease.
Here's what I'm covering in it.
- The healing power of surrender.
- Leaning into your emotions.
- Creating space for the birth of your new self.
- Is ego death necessary?
- How to make the whole process smoother.
You'll also experience a powerful meditation that will bring your soul an instant sense of relief.
You'll feel more peaceful, more empowered, armed with the understanding of what you're going through and more open to this beautiful process of awakening.
You'll come out of this workshop with precious tools and knowledge that will help you go through that stage with more ease and grace so that you can allow more of your inner light to awaken.

Past Life Regression Session - Resolving a Karmic Relationship
2-hour workshop (pre-recorded)
To help you release your current karmic relationship
Here's what I'm covering in it.
- What a karmic relationship is and why you've been in one.
- Why it is important to end it.
- What's necessary to break free + full process how to do it.
I'll also bring you on a powerful guided journey into your past life where this relationship began so that you can resolve it.
You'll come out of it with a deep insight about yourself, love and relationships.
And you'll break the karmic bond that's been keeping you together and finally set yourself free from that relationship to eventually, find your true soul mate.

Thriving Starseed
10-month long self-paced Starseed Mastery Program
It is designed to help you unfold your starseed potential and begin making an impact you came here to make!
What you can experience inside:
- Heal on a multidimensional level & tap into your full potential
- Activate your starseed gifts and feel amazing using them
- Feel safe showing fully as you are and speaking your truth
- Create deeper connections with people around you and call in your soul tribe
- Stop feeling like an outcast and replace loneliness by a sense of interconnectednes.
- Fully embrace who you are and begin playing this game of life!
- Finally leave the struggle behind and begin thriving and having FUN!

Journey To Wholeness
Self-Paced Soul Healing Program (12 weeks)
It is designed to help you heal your soul wounds, remember who you truly are and dramatically improve your life on every level.
It's for you if:
- You're sick and tired of being sick and tired.
- You're done with things not working wherever you look.
- You want to heal from your deep childhood wounds.
- You're ready to take responsibility for your life.
- You want to feel worthy, enough, whole and grounded.
- You want to break toxic repetitive patterns in your life and create positive change.
- You want to find your soul partner, find passion in you career, improve your health and rediscover pure joy in your life.
- You want to feel your inner power and be unstoppable.

7-day virtual spiritual retreat (pre-recorded)
Created to help you step into your true limitless power
It's for you if you:
- Want to heal deeply and move past old limiting and toxic patterns to set yourself free.
- Ready to release stuck emotions and set yourself free.
- Want to uncover your sacred gifts and remember your soul purpose.
- Crave to learn how to listen to yourself and trust your intuition and inner guidance.
- Want to be fully tapped in to Higher Frequencies and transcend limitations of your mind.
- Ready to let go of your fears, negative talk and self-doubts and dial up your sense of self-trust, confidence and self-love.
- Want to create a sense of peace and serenity inside you.
- Want to awaken the energy of the Leader inside you and powerfully spread your message.
- Long to help others and make an impact and you're ready to embrace your superpowers that will help you do that.

Time Travel Workshop
2-hours (pre-recorded)
You'll learn how to travel in time for your highest benefit.
Here's what I'm covering
- How to access the incredible resources available to you.
- How to understand how your mind perceives time and how it impacts your life.
- How to access your past and future on demand.
- Learning some powerful lessons that your soul needs for you to thrive NOW.
- Letting go of guilt and forgiving yourself for things that you keep over your head.
- Dissipating anxiety FAST!
- Infusing yourself with the exciting energy of future possibilities so that you can reach your current goal or dream with more playfulness and ease.
- Pumping up your motivation

The Truth About Healing
3-hour live workshop (pre-recorded)
It's for you if you want to understand why you haven't really been healing, and how you can finally break the never-ending healing cycle to start living an amazing life NOW.
I'll talk about
- Your sacred vehicle and 5 aspects of existence.
- Going meta - your role as a "mechanic"
- How does your body get sick
- Main reason why you're stuck in the never-ending cycle of healing + how to get unstuck
- What healing really is about + the breakdown of the entire healing process
- Accessing your power at any moment
Plus I'll guide you through a powerful healing journey so that you can understand how you can heal yourself from anything.

Infinite Abundance
3.5-hour workshop (pre-recorded)
To help you open the floodgate of abundance in your life and make money easy
Here's what I'm covering in it.
- The energy of abundance
- Giving vs Receiving
- Releasing shame around asking for what you need and want
- What money is a magnet to
- How to create more wealth while doing less
- Shifting limiting beliefs to open up to abundance
- Feeling better and better
- Trusting that the Universe always provides
- And much more!
You'll also experience 3 powerful guided journeys that will lead to energy shifts, deep insights and profound transformation.
You'll come out of this workshop open to abundance and become an energetic match to more wealth in your life.

Magic & Purpose
12-week online program (pre-recorded)
To help you know who you are, remember your purpose, own your magic and choose a business fully aligned with your soul.
It's for you if you want to:
- know who you are and change your relationship with yourself forever.
- remember your gifts and activate your magic
- get amazingly confident in what you're capable of.
- connect to your intuition and trust yourself fully so that you can always be guided from within.
- remember your unique beautiful purpose.
- step into your power and believe in yourself like never before.
- lean into your passions and desires to give this world what you're here to give
- activate your personal abundance blueprint
- choose a business fully aligned with your soul.
- and so much more!

Born To Lead
Self-Paced Program to Awaken Your Leader Energy and Magnetism (6 weeks)
It is created to help you activate your leader energy, step into your power and ignite your soul mission to make impact in the world and make an income being YOU.
It's for you if you want to:
- make an impact in the world and make money by being fully YOU
- overcome your fear of being visible
- learn to be vulnerable to empower others
- speak your truth freely and unapologetically
- learn to trust yourself fully
- get crystal clear on your purpose and vision
- own your power
- awaken the creator inside you
- activate your authentic voice
- become the leader you're born to be
Spiritual Awakening &Healing Vault
20 of my most powerful workshops and healing journeys to accelerate your awakening in one place for a fraction of a price!

Not sure where you want to start? Give me a call and I'll be happy to guide you!
+352 691 91 98 76
or drop me a quick message on my FB page and I'll revert to you as soon as I can.